Scrappy Valentine Hearts

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and I decided to whip up these scrap filled hearts to decorate. The exterior is made from recycled vinyl packaging from a shower curtain we recently received as a present. They are stuffed with small pieces of scrap fabric and scrap thread. The ric rac ribbon I found at the thrift store, so these hearts are entirely eco-friendly.

When I sew, I save these tiny bits of fabric and thread in mason jars because I don't like to have any waste. I either use it later for stuffing material or for silly projects like this.

They're very simple to make if you have some scraps you want to use up. You could also cut up little bits of a magazine or catalog in various colors to use as filler. I put two pieces of vinyl together and cut out a heart shape with pinking shears. You can make a template first, if you like. I sewed the two pieces together about an 1/8 of an inch from the edge, slipping in the ric-rac loop as I sewed, and leaving an opening a little bigger than an inch to add the stuffing. Once it was stuffed, I stitched the opening closed. It helps to have a pointy tool to do the stuffing (I use a small crochet hook). I didn't use any pins to hold the pieces together because I didn't want to damage the vinyl. Each one probably took about 5 minutes to make. So simple, but cute!