New Frontier

As my little one explores more creative pursuits, I am also thinking about my own art, and its place in my life. For a while, it's been way down on the list of priorities even though it is very important to me. I'm hoping to take some time in the next few months to spend more time exploring, as my little one is doing. I've been taking it real slow this week trying to get myself in the right frame of mind for creating in that way again. I'm also hoping to find more fun activities for Oona and I to explore together. As she gets older, I feel more weight of the responsibility to help her learn, and sometimes I feel very ill equipped. But, we are learning about this parenting/ growing thing together. It's wonderful, but also difficult. If anyone has any suggestions for good toddler learning/ parenting books, please let me know. I think a trip to the local library is needed as fresh ideas and reinforcement would be helpful right about now.
hope to talk to you soon!!!
Mom, I have to find that book. It has disappeared somewhere in the depths of this house.