Flutter Skirts In stock!
This morning I set up a display in the store of the new baby/toddler flutter skirts I made recently. I also just updated my Etsy shop with these whirly twirly fluttery creations so go have a look-see.

I had a ball making these! I think I'm going to make some more baby skirts in a different design. Here's Oona below modeling the one I made for her.
I think this is the perfect age to start wearing skirts because they're walking and dancing and spinning around in circles. My girl gets the convenience of wearing pants too! It's cold around here! You can see the colors fly as they swish by in their baby magical way!

I had a ball making these! I think I'm going to make some more baby skirts in a different design. Here's Oona below modeling the one I made for her.

I think this is the perfect age to start wearing skirts because they're walking and dancing and spinning around in circles. My girl gets the convenience of wearing pants too! It's cold around here! You can see the colors fly as they swish by in their baby magical way!