Birth Alter
This is the beginnings of my birth alter. I never made one of these during my first pregnancy with Oona because I labored at a birthing center, and it never even occurred to me. But I thought it might help bring positive energy to my home birth this time around. I made the felt flower, ten centimeters, with each circle of petals representing each centimeter I need to dilate. I hope it will remind me that as hard as my body will have to work, this is not really that impossible. I also want to keep the image of a flower blossoming as a visualization through each wave.
On the shelf sits a wooden elephant that my sister gave me for my birthday. Through the lattice work you can see a baby elephant inside the mother. The candles were left over from a blessingway I threw for my friend, and I picked up the cute flower votive holders today on the cheap. Behind the alter in the window, my seedlings sit growing on another shelf, another reminder of the power of life.
I'd like to add to my alter photos, bits of nature, some words of inspiration and maybe a small painting. I'll post another photo when it's finished. I know that I might not even notice this alter during labor, but I think it's helping me now to create a more positive atmosphere for babies birthday. I want to remember that too... that the day my baby is born needs to one of beauty and love and celebration (as all of her birthdays should be), and I want to do as much as I can to bring those feelings into my home before she arrives.