Waiting for the Season to Turn

It's that time of year when I start daydreaming about cooler weather, flannel shirts, pumpkin butter, and changing leaves. I know it will be here sooner than I expect, but something in me always wants to hurry it to be here all the sooner. I love keeping a garden and swimming, but I'm not one for the heat. It slows me down considerably. I feel my cognitive and creative abilities suffer dearly in the summer. I just want to sit on the porch and sip some lemonade, but even that seems too much of a task sometimes.
I made myself take a walk this morning with Oona because I've been feeling so sluggish, and I saw those hints of rusty orange creeping into the trees on the mountainside. I also felt a gentle breeze that made me think perhaps these long hot days will be coming to an end. Please. I am an Autumn girl. I do my best with a little chill in the air and color in the mountains. I suppose I will have to wait patiently for the season to turn but at least I know it is not far off when I look at the lovely pumpkins popping up here and there. And I can begin to think of Halloween costumes, hot apple cider, cornstalks on the porch and picking wild apples.