New Old Couches
We've had a sad history with couches. The two that we've had in our seven years together have been on their last legs and fallen apart on us. The last one was just a metal frame dorm style futon couch. It was good in that it could double as bed for overflow guests, but the metal lattice work underneath started to come apart and then one of the legs started to split. Our first couch was a fifteen dollar impulse buy from a tag sale when I was still in college. I didn't even have an apartment when I bought it. Whoops. It too disintegrated and fell apart. More on that couch in a minute. So the plan was to save up and buy a new couch, but sticker shock and lack of good options was making us wait. Finally, the couch(es) came to us. My parents were given a family couch made by a great grandfather, I believe. They didn't have a place for it so they brought it up here. The seat was worn and the it wasn't very comfortable so we added some foam and covered the seat in new fabric. I also made two large pillows that match the curtain I made a while back.
The other couch, the one with the burgundy/wine/ maroon color had been in the store for a while, and we are taking it on loan. We also recovered it with the fabric you see above and used the old gold couch pillows from our first couch for backing.
So, now we have a couple of couches that look almost respectable for once. Wow!
