Hello! Just wondering if anyone out there has any arts and crafts suggestions for the toddler crowd? Oona has already begun to explore crayons, homemade play dough, and watercolors made from berry juice. My mom just gave me a fabulous teachers guide for children's arts and crafts, but most of the projects will be better for when she's older. Any ideas? Any blog suggestions? I'm trying to cut back on her cartoon addiction. She loves this British show called "Kipper" about a dog and his pals. It is pretty cute, but I don't want her to be a cartoon junky.

P.S. The cute owl place mat in the top photo was a gift from my friend Jenna.
P.P.S. The house is quiet right now. Oona is sleeping. Jake is practicing with his new band. It is a strange experience. Seldom do I get to hear my own thoughts echo against my brain.
The recipe I used for dough is here:
I like this recipe because you don't need to cook it and it makes about two adult size handfuls full of dough, so you don't have a ton of it.