Chocolate and Play Dough

It's been an off sort of day for me creatively. My energy has felt totally zapped. I really want a cup of coffee even though I gave it up two years ago. When I can't seem to accomplish much else I tend to retreat to the kitchen. I made some Easter treats (Homemade Cream Eggs), but I didn't have egg molds so I just used a muffin tin. I skipped the "stevia extract" because I don't have it and don't know what it is. I also used a simpler chocolate recipe (one bag choc. chips + 6 TBSP heavy cream). Okay, the recipe claims to be "healthy" but I think what they mean is "healthier" than the alternatives which use high fructose corn syrup or refined sugar. I do not recommend eating a pan of these on your own! The link above also gives some Vegan alternatives if you are Vegan or lactose intolerant.

While I was in the kitchen I also made Oona her first ball of play dough. It was super simple... literally took two minutes to mix up. I used this no-cook recipe I found on "Sew Liberated". Oona loved it! She had fun chopping it with cookie cutters. I used homemade dye too... a little bit of raspberry juice. I put it in a jar, and she'll be able to play with it again. It's a simple enough recipe that older kids can make it themselves with a little supervision.
