Oh Christmas Tree

Oh, there's nothing like the smell of pine needles in your living room! We went out in the rain yesterday to fetch ourselves this little table top tree, and stayed up until the wee hours decorating it. Oona seems to like it, and I like that it's out of reach of her fast little hands.
I have so many projects that I haven't gotten around to posting because the holiday season is just so busy... things to make, people to see and so on. We have a big town wide event happening tomorrow that our store is participating in... should be fun, and Jake's dad and my parents will all be here to celebrate with us. Hope your having some merry making this time of year! Things can get stressful real fast with worries about Christmas shopping (or making, as the case may be). But I think we all need to remember that the world won't stop turning and our families won't (hopefully not!) disown us if we don't find them that amazing thing or a zillion little things. It's not about the gifts... it's about the food, just kidding! So, time for some tea!