Happy 1st Birthday Oona-boo!
It's been a bit quiet over at this here blog, but that's because there's been much going on in the outside world. Among other things, my little baby turned one! How cool! Her big day was on Thanksgiving, so we were able to spend it with my family and Jake's mom in CT enjoying the usual Thanksgiving deliciousness (minus the turkey for Jake, Oona and I... we're veggie folk). We had a small celebration on her birthday, and a slightly larger (but still small) celebration the day after, which also was my Dad's birthday at my sister's apartment. Oona had a blast both days! She didn't blow out the candle, but she did unwrap some of her presents all by her very self. I'm proud as a peacock of this little one year old! She was walking, dancing and keeping everyone entertained in her usual comedic fashion... she's our shining star!

Jake made her a pumpkin cake for the day after party, but she'd snacked too much before hand on cheese and apple and promptly threw it on the floor, never even trying a bite. She did, however, enjoy some pumpkin pie on her actual b-day.

Mommy and Daddy were sneaky and bought her this toy robot after she played with it adoringly in the toy store a month or so back. It was so great to see that she remembered it and even did a little dance of glee to be reunited with her robot friend.

She got so many fun presents. Lots of noisy ones too! She did in fact wear her hat I made her for a brief spell while we sang "happy birthday". I'll post some more pictures soon of the things I made for her, and also a few things other people made for her.
I hope everyone had much to be thankful for this past Thanksgiving! I know we had an amazing, sometimes tiring, but all together great year getting to know our little one who is growing up too fast. Happy December!

Jake made her a pumpkin cake for the day after party, but she'd snacked too much before hand on cheese and apple and promptly threw it on the floor, never even trying a bite. She did, however, enjoy some pumpkin pie on her actual b-day.

Mommy and Daddy were sneaky and bought her this toy robot after she played with it adoringly in the toy store a month or so back. It was so great to see that she remembered it and even did a little dance of glee to be reunited with her robot friend.

She got so many fun presents. Lots of noisy ones too! She did in fact wear her hat I made her for a brief spell while we sang "happy birthday". I'll post some more pictures soon of the things I made for her, and also a few things other people made for her.
I hope everyone had much to be thankful for this past Thanksgiving! I know we had an amazing, sometimes tiring, but all together great year getting to know our little one who is growing up too fast. Happy December!
Miss you all!!!