Merry Making

I'm here today to present to you Miss Oona's handmade sugar plum fairy stocking, made by Mama, of course. Okay, there's no fireplace mantel to hang this stocking, but we'll find a place for it, I'm sure. It's made out of red corduroy with blue corduroy lining. I got to use some of my stash of fun vintage embroidery ribbon. Oona seemed to really dig the owl's. I let the owner try it out, and she seemed to approve. In fact, it might have even gotten a few "ooo's" out of the girl. It's so nice to have your work appreciated. The size of the stocking was perhaps a bit ambitious. Santa's going to have to work overtime to fill this one. Mommy tried it on and an adult foot fits comfortably in it, with room to spare.

I also wanted to make your mouth water by showing you this peppermint bark I made earlier today. It's still hardening in the fridge, but from what I licked off the spatula, I think it will be delicious. You can find the recipe over at Orangette. I only did two layers because I didn't have enough chocolate.

Now I'm going to relax a little and watch the old b&w version of "Miracle on 34th St" with the babe. Hope you're keeping it jolly in your neck of the woods!