Snow and Felt



Fresh snow fell on the weekend, and I've been trying hard to get myself and the kids outdoors as much as possible before and after school. We are all in need of sunshine and exercise, and it's always nice when you can get these things and play at the same time. At my children's school there is a program called "Winter Wellness" which takes the kids skiing or snowing boarding once a week. The younger kids all do cross-country. I decided after a recent visit to the pediatrician that we really needed to be getting more physical exercise at home, too, and we'd start our own "Winter Wellness". Of course, the at home version is mostly throwing snowballs, sledding and running around the yard as it's already 4pm by the time we get out there.  I've also been taking solo walks when I can, and the bonus of working harder at healthy living is that it gives me more creative energy to poor into projects. January was really very slow and slothful (partially due to sickness), so I feel grateful to be getting motivated again.

In the craft room, I seem to be having too much fun with felt and hearts.... tis' the season. I have some new felt crowns in the works and just finished a pair of sly foxes. I've been spending a lot of time hand sewing this winter, which can be slow, but feels like a nice change of pace from the machine.

Joining in with KCCO over at Frontier Dreams .


FrontierDreams said…
The foxes!!! I adore them!
Bonnie Wildwood said…
Thank you Nicole! I adore your knit fox, too! Foxes rule!
Love your foxes and hearts! He looks like he is having such a good time playing in the snow!

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