Harvest Fair
What a weekend! I set up at our local Harvest Fair with help from both my parents and the Mr. I don't think I've done any shows in over a year, possibly far longer, and it was exhausting, but a lot of fun. I got to introduce my wool babies, heads put on in the nick of time, and also bring some other items along for the ride. Now that I've got a tiny bit of crafting time, I've got ideas coming out my eye balls. It's nuts, and I just want to make, make, make! But I also have to be really selective about which projects I jump into because it is such a limited amount of time. I'm hoping to find some more shows to do this Fall and holiday season. It can be very motivating to get out there and see what people are excited about. It was so nice to see a couple children get the wool babies directly... they were totally smitten with them, and I'm pretty sure they would have been happy to get any one of them. Seeing kids reactions to anything I make is one of favorite things about doing shows because kids don't try to hide their feelings about items like adults tend to do. Oh and there was a floral show going on, complete with fairy houses, so I had to share those too. Next year we'll have to enter our own fairy house. The crazy hats were part of a fund raiser for a high school class trip.