Friday Favorites A Day Late and A Dollar Short

 Friday Favorites

Spring Craft to Make with Kids: Origami Butterflies

Gardening Show: "Big Dreams, Small Spaces" on Netflix. This is the only kind of reality TV that I can get into. The guests design their garden dream in Britain with the help of expert gardener, Monty. I love that they do the work and spend the money themselves, making many of the projects obtainable.

Poem:  The Layers by Stanley Kunitz: A facebook friend shared this yesterday on their 50th wedding anniversary, and I thought it was too beautiful not to pass on to you.

Kid Quote: "Do you think the leprechauns steal the chocolate from the store?"

Cook Book with Something Green: The Art of Vegetarian Indian Cooking (There is a wonderful recipe for saag in this that I love. A friend gifted me this book a few years back, and it's definitely my go to Indian food cookbook. Pretty much everything I've made from this cookbook is great.)

 (Featuring five favorites every Friday. If you'd like to do the same, I'd love a shout out on your blog and feel free to leave a link in the comments! Enjoy your weekend!)

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I hope you find a pot of gold in the world today, or a colander of gold as the case may be!


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