These Summer Days

 These summer days...
- are full to the brim with ice cream and sunlight (homemade passion fruit ice cream with nectarines... yum!)
- smell of peonies and roses and fresh mint
- have lots of hours spent in the dirt (some in the garden and some in the puddles)
- make for long play dates with good friends playing on swings and jumping through the sprinklers
- leave you in awe of all that nature has created
- are perfect for trail walks and swims with the family at Blueberry Lake

- are full of building and creating and more ideas than a life time can accomplish
- make your crochet hooks find light and cooling yarns like hemp and cotton
 - are perfect for stories about girls visiting the moon

- are perfect for watching the moon as the sun fades away

-leave you ready for bed as soon as your head hits the pillow and eager to get up again when the sun shines through the window

Happy Summer!

Also joining in with KCCO over at Frontier Dreams .


Caffeine Girl said…
What a lovely list that adds up to summer. As a teacher, the thing I treasure the most is the leisurely pace. And not being so tired!

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