Two for my Tulip

On Wednesday Miss Elsa officially hit the two year mark. It's always hard to believe when yet another year has gone by for the kiddos or for myself. But it's a good reminder to stay in the moment because our babies don't stay babies for long nor do young parents stay young! I had intended to keep her second birthday pretty low key, but as we had to miss our favorite May Day festival over the weekend due to a horrid stomach bug, I figured the two celebrations could be merged. The girls wore their tulip dresses and crowns that I had made for the festival. My parents brought her a cool inch-a-long worm (timely, as she adores Lowly worm). The wheel barrow was from Mommy and Daddy and Oona made her a unicorn paper doll (her idea) and several cards throughout the day to which Elsa added her own special touches. 


 I finally "finished" her crochet garden. I'll have to get a better photo at some point, but I'd also like to add another veggie or two that I didn't have time for.

We made a homemade ice cream cake with almond flavored ice cream, homemade brownie crust, homemade hot fudge and homemade whip cream topped with sprinkles and grasshopper cookie crumbles... yes, pretty much, the most deadly cake ever made. But it was very delicious and Oona has already requested one for her birthday. Oh no, hopefully I haven't started a dangerous tradition. Here is the hot fudge recipe if you want to make awesomely terrible hot fudge from home (it's really simple!).

Instead of blowing out the candles my cool little cucumber snuffed them both out with her fingers. She was totally unfazed. I guess it's time to get out the hot coals for her to walk across.

After cake, we decided to make some birthday magic in a giant mortar and pestle that we had in the store. They mixed up bits of dried flowers that I'd saved from last years garden, a feather, grass, rocks, a tiny sprinkle of "fairy dust" (a.k.a. raw sugar),  a pine cone, two lucky pennies, some love and rainbow magic and whatever else they threw in there. I got the idea from this birthday stew recipe on In the Ozark Hills.

They stirred it really well, added some sunshine and hugs and voila, it was done!

I think they mixed it just right, because at the bottom were some magic bubble wands decorated with pretty beads. Before we did bubbles we spread the birthday magic on the garden to help it grow (removing anything that wasn't organic from the mix).

Elsa tried to sample the bubbles several times. All that cooking must have made her hungry.

As if all that wasn't enough to exhaust us all, we still had to remedy missing the May Pole dance over the weekend. So we made a very tiny May Pole and the girls made up their own special dance.

I do love my tulip princesses! (I had to bribe them for this photo.)

It was such a perfect day... such a reward after all the sickness. And Elsa... I feel turning two deserves a bit of an update on what this girl is like, don't you?

At two:
- She talks all the time and is already a story teller.
- She is still a Mama's girl, loving to be held and cuddled
- She has very specific ideas about fashion that narrow her clothing choices down to just a few items... mainly the few clothing items she has that are "sparkly"
- She is pretty fearless, except when she wants Mommy
- She has her own swear word... "Poop!" she shouts whenever something is to her disliking... no one else says this, except when talking about the actual substance, so I think this just goes to show how determined humans are to vent their frustration through swears.
- She adores her big sister
- She loves to run around "nakey"
- She loves to draw and play with little toy figures
- She has us all calling water "wauvy"
- She is always telling me she wants to go "home"... "to the moon"... and I hope she never does!

Happy Birthday, again, to my darlin' tulip!


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