Happy Autumn!

Welcome Autumn (or Spring if you're on the other side of the world)! I am already day dreaming about pumpkin cheesecake... pumpkin doughnuts, pumpkin spiced coffee... pumpkin ice cream... pumpkin patches... pumpkin everything... curse you Pinterest and blog land! Ooo, and a bit of apple cider would be nice too... hmmm... and apple cider doughnuts!

I know I say it every year, but I love Fall! It is the season I feel most at home in. Every time we get in the car it's like a wizards magic has covered the land. The mountains are decorated in their rainbow splendor, and if I didn't have things to do and little people to keep out of trouble, I'd just lay on a picnic blanket outside all day long, reading books and staring up at the trees munching on tasty Fall apples (honey crisps are my new favorite). 

We celebrated the start of the season yesterday by racking leaves and playing in the yard, and doing just a little bit of that lying on a picnic blanket business. I added more touches of Autumn about the house and harvested a bunch more from the garden. Today I am beginning a massive Fall cleaning and clean out! This means windows are getting washed, spiders are being evicted, junk is being thrown into a box to be driven away and never seen again... it feels good, but there is still so much to do (always so much to do). I think a good Fall cleaning is even more important than a Spring one, especially in the colder climate where we live because I know pretty soon we will be spending a lot more time indoors.

We've already found ourselves knee deep in the cold season... as in... cough cough... hachuu! I am trying every witchy medicine I can think of, but getting better has been slow going. That's another reason I need to clean house... I need to evict all the nasty germs as well. Anyone have any great natural cold/ sore throat remedies or good posts on the subject? This was an interesting post I found on healing remedies. I'm going to try the onion suggestion (placing cut open onions punctured w/ holes in bedrooms and living areas to absorb bacteria) as well as some of their other suggestions I haven't yet tried.

Anyways, it's time to put dinner on the table, so I need to get to work. It's soup season! Hurray for that! 


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