Garden Journey: Snap Peas and Tricky Weeds

I don't know about you, but when each new flower appears on the scene, I think, "This is my absolute favorite!" I definitely feel that way when the first day lily opens up. When I see them I know that summer is in full swing. We had a huge patch of them at my childhood home, enough to swim in.  They also signify for me the abundance that is taking place all around us and in the garden this time of year.

 My intentions to do weekly garden posts have quickly fallen by the wayside, as both busy and lazy summer days have dragged me happily from the screen. But things are kicking along, surprising me like fireworks every morning. I was a bit depressed again about the garden when I discovered tomato blight. I never had it before, and I nearly panicked and pulled out half my tomatoes until I realized they all already had it.  I'm just removing the damaged stems and hoping for the best.

And I had another sad moment when I realized what I thought were gigantic zinnias growing in my front flower bed were just a weed that looked very similar. My zinnias are actually not very large at all... most likely because that tricky weed had taken over!

These flowers/weeds above are just on our hill side... something for the bugs and bees to romp around in... so pretty and no work at all!

 Corn and soybeans and black beans are mingled around our circle garden.

 Jake finished the teepee a few weeks ago and while nothing is quite climbing yet, I think very soon it will be covered... and as I often find myself saying about things that haven't quite gone as planned in the garden, "There's always next year!" 

I am delighted to be enjoying more of our garden bounty on a daily basis...  lettuce, kale, spinach, basil, oregano, a few tomatoes and and just recently, my late planted snap peas are finding their way into salads, sauces, eggs, and sandwiches. We've gotten a few raspberries and I can't wait to pick more. This is the time when you can begin to say... oh, yes, this is what all this work is for!

And as it turns out, soil is good for you! I found this article reaffirming! If you are like me and a bit of a disaster gardener, at least the dirt is doing good things for your stress levels.

P.S. Tomorrow I'm going to give a little tore of my friends inspiring garden!


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