Magic Moon Skirts

 I've been meaning to share these little moon skirts for a while, but as is with everything right now, it's taken me forever to get around to it.  In fact, these simple little rectangle skirts have taken far longer than they any right every step of the way. They were originally suppose to be worn on the Winter Solstice... and then Christmas... and then New Year's Eve... and then New Year's Day. They were actually finally complete New Year's day, but we never bothered to get out of our pjs. So, I believe they were finally worn on "Three King's Day"... what?.... yes, they just sat around for six days before I put them on my girls because I needed to iron them. And, after such delays, they didn't even turn out the way I originally intended because I goofed on the measurements. They were suppose to flare out much more, but instead they hang kind of straight. They're still cute, but it would have been nicer if they had more movement, especially for my little crawler.

I adore this moon fabric. Looking at it now, I think this might have been the inspiration for Oona's "moon lion" picture. The yellow ones do kind of look like lions. Oona really wanted me to make one for myself too. I wonder if I have enough fabric. It is tempting... Expect to see something more made from these silly moons soon.

 Here's the little baby skirt.


And here's the little baby hands! My, how she's grown! 

Oops...  I'm just noticing now that I should have tried to line up the moon faces on the sides. Hopefully my little ones move too fast for anyone to trouble themselves over it.

Oona and Elsa also wore these to visit some friends of ours recently. I don't have a great photo of the skirts in action, but this photo does remind me of a funny conversation.

In regards to the canned food being placed in the bag while playing grocery store:
Oona: It's ice cream!
Her Little Friend: No, it's cat food!
Oona: It's ice cream!
Her Little Friend: No, it's cat food!
(This continued for about five minutes... verdicts still out, but I'm not sending Oona to the grocery store for ice cream! )


Anonymous said…
oh no, it sounds a lot like "it's a little fish"..."no,it's a BIG fish". The war has begun! ha haseducat are
Anonymous said…
and now those turkeys added the scrambled word to my post....argggggg I wish they'd stop already!!!!!!!!!
Jenna said…
those are so adorable!

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