Rainy October Days
Hello October! I'm a little late in welcoming you, but I'm glad you've come with all your splendid colors.
The leaves around here are changing faster than expected, probably on account of the endless rain we've had lately. We've started running the pellet stove a little. It feels lovely to sit in front of a warm fire with a cup of spiced cider. I've been crocheting a bit. It always feels right this time of year. I'm really hoping to get back to my sewing machine today. Miss Oona needs a turtle costume for Halloween that's going to take some time. She loves "tortles" as she calls them, so I think she'll be thrilled with it. There is a pet turtle at a book store we visited the other day, and she blew it kisses the whole time we were in there.
What else is new:
- we celebrated 3 years of marriage in September while Jake's dad was up visiting, and he treated us to dinner at a favorite thai restaurant
- we are contemplating getting a kitten... it is a very bitter sweet thought for me as Terrapin is still greatly missed
- there is a delicious harvest of eggplant in the fridge, and also some tomatoes that need saucing up
- Oona has been burning the midnight oil again for the last 3 or 4 nights, which has both her parents groggy and a little cranky
- we had our first open mic/concert at the store on Saturday night on our new purple stage
- I love apple season, yum!
- my big jack-o-lantern is almost ready for pickin'
The leaves around here are changing faster than expected, probably on account of the endless rain we've had lately. We've started running the pellet stove a little. It feels lovely to sit in front of a warm fire with a cup of spiced cider. I've been crocheting a bit. It always feels right this time of year. I'm really hoping to get back to my sewing machine today. Miss Oona needs a turtle costume for Halloween that's going to take some time. She loves "tortles" as she calls them, so I think she'll be thrilled with it. There is a pet turtle at a book store we visited the other day, and she blew it kisses the whole time we were in there.
What else is new:
- we celebrated 3 years of marriage in September while Jake's dad was up visiting, and he treated us to dinner at a favorite thai restaurant
- we are contemplating getting a kitten... it is a very bitter sweet thought for me as Terrapin is still greatly missed
- there is a delicious harvest of eggplant in the fridge, and also some tomatoes that need saucing up
- Oona has been burning the midnight oil again for the last 3 or 4 nights, which has both her parents groggy and a little cranky
- we had our first open mic/concert at the store on Saturday night on our new purple stage
- I love apple season, yum!
- my big jack-o-lantern is almost ready for pickin'