Gingerbread Girl and Pumpkins
Oh my! Time is like a little birdie always flying away from you! Where has it gotten to these days, I wonder? There is such a whirl of things going on right now.
For one, there has been a small weasel spotted in our kitchen! Not sure how the devil got in or if he's still there, but we would certainly like to evict this unwanted critter. The critter world has been out of balance around our house since Terrapin's disappearance. There seems to be a million chipmunks outside now, where once there was just a few we'd see on occasion. Unfortunately, the mice population in the house has grown too, and we are trying desperately and humanely to get rid of them, but they are tenacious ones. We need a kitty again, but we have to wait until we're sure the weasel is gone. Oh, life in the country!
I am getting some sewing done, but not as much as I'd like. Below, Oona is trying out her new gingerbread girl dress made from brown corduroy and ric-rac. I started this as part of KCWC, but didn't get it finished until this past weekend. Originally, the sleeves were suppose to have elastic so they'd hug her wrists, but she seemed to prefer it this way.

In reality, it probably looks more like a hippie Native American style dress than a gingerbread girl dress, but that's okay too. I love my babes enthusiasm for Mama's handmade things. I can never have her just try something on for fit because she doesn't want to take it off! Run Run, as fast you can, you can't catch her, she's the gingerbread girl!

She insisted on wearing it out Saturday night to our friend's annual pumpkin carving party, which was a blast! Rain threatened to destroy the whole event, but the big kids were happy to be outdoors carving even in the drizzle. And there was an amazing potluck with delicious chocolate cake and pumpkin pie among other desserts. Time to rally the troops out of bed. Hopefully I'll have some more craftiness to share this week.
For one, there has been a small weasel spotted in our kitchen! Not sure how the devil got in or if he's still there, but we would certainly like to evict this unwanted critter. The critter world has been out of balance around our house since Terrapin's disappearance. There seems to be a million chipmunks outside now, where once there was just a few we'd see on occasion. Unfortunately, the mice population in the house has grown too, and we are trying desperately and humanely to get rid of them, but they are tenacious ones. We need a kitty again, but we have to wait until we're sure the weasel is gone. Oh, life in the country!
I am getting some sewing done, but not as much as I'd like. Below, Oona is trying out her new gingerbread girl dress made from brown corduroy and ric-rac. I started this as part of KCWC, but didn't get it finished until this past weekend. Originally, the sleeves were suppose to have elastic so they'd hug her wrists, but she seemed to prefer it this way.

In reality, it probably looks more like a hippie Native American style dress than a gingerbread girl dress, but that's okay too. I love my babes enthusiasm for Mama's handmade things. I can never have her just try something on for fit because she doesn't want to take it off! Run Run, as fast you can, you can't catch her, she's the gingerbread girl!

She insisted on wearing it out Saturday night to our friend's annual pumpkin carving party, which was a blast! Rain threatened to destroy the whole event, but the big kids were happy to be outdoors carving even in the drizzle. And there was an amazing potluck with delicious chocolate cake and pumpkin pie among other desserts. Time to rally the troops out of bed. Hopefully I'll have some more craftiness to share this week.
