Sun Circle Hat

Here's a quick glance of the hat I finished for Miss Baby Babe. She was a whirl wind when she tried it on. It was hard to get a great picture, but this will have to do for the moment until I can get a teddy bear model who will work for low wages to model it for us.
It's been a funny couple of days. Not much progress as far a progress goes. Yesterday got eaten up canning apple butter. And I've been cursing a spilled drink that made me have to do a thorough cleaning of our rug today (and cursing the man who spilled that drink). But Oona and I snuck out of the house this afternoon to get some baby playtime in at the park with our local baby friend and her mommy. Both babes enjoyed getting their feet dirty and ripping apart leaves... ocassionally eating them too! Wow, somedays just getting out of the house can make a world of difference in your mood.
Anyhow, I'm hoping to make up for lost time this weekend. Happy first day of Autumn folks!