Harvest Time

Autumn has arrived in VT a bit early. It comes so abruptly here. One day it's 80 degrees and the next you're bundled up in a sweater. I've been working hard to bring in the harvest... look at this amazing amount of gourds! They planted themselves from the compost we spread on the garden! We have a good amount of pumpkins too (some I planted and some that planted themselves), lots of tomatoes, cucumbers, and more summer squash and zucchini then one could ever imagine. So there's been lots of sauce being made, drying of herbs, canning of some delicious wild apples we found along the roadside and baking of apple pie by Mr. Jake.

But we're also finding a few moments to enjoy this time before it's too cold to go outside. Did you notice Miss Oona is standing?! She's actually been doing this since about eight months, the little go getter. She loves dancing too! (while holding onto the coffee table., not free form).

Hope you're dancing and enjoying this sweet apple spice time of year too!