Oona's First Parade
Hello folks! The last few weeks have been a whirlwind! Jake's mom was up visiting the week before and we visited a farm, and this past week my parents have been staying with us. For the Fourth of July we all marched in our annual town parade... yes, even Oona!

Doesn't she look adorable and utterly ridiculous?! Oona rode in a vintage baby buggy we had in the store and was all dressed in her Fourth of July best! The local paper even mentioned her appearance in an article. My mom and dad and I all dressed up in vintage hats and walked with her, waving and throwing candy. Next year we want to make a float, but the details of that are top secret.

Her Daddy rode on a different float, one for the play he was in and wrote music for, "Ransom", about our town's civil war hero, Ransom W. Towle. His float won a prize, but surely Miss Oona was more deserving for her good work sitting up and giving big smiles to the crowd. She's a brave 7 and half month old! She did not cry or fuss once and promptly fell asleep when the parade was over.

Grandma and Grandpa stayed until this morning and we managed to pack lots of fun into one short week visiting Ausable Chasm in NY and our state capitol, Montpelier and the Quechee Fleamarket, celebrating my mom's birthday with a delicious chocolate torte and having lots of mini adventures in between. It was nice to have the extra hands and to see my parents, but Mommy, Daddy, and Oona are totally pooped and plan on some recovery time from all the fun... by which I mean, not leaving the house for a good solid week, perhaps, and maybe getting back to work now that our semi-vacation is over. Hope everyone had a great Independence Day and are enjoying these summer months!

Doesn't she look adorable and utterly ridiculous?! Oona rode in a vintage baby buggy we had in the store and was all dressed in her Fourth of July best! The local paper even mentioned her appearance in an article. My mom and dad and I all dressed up in vintage hats and walked with her, waving and throwing candy. Next year we want to make a float, but the details of that are top secret.

Her Daddy rode on a different float, one for the play he was in and wrote music for, "Ransom", about our town's civil war hero, Ransom W. Towle. His float won a prize, but surely Miss Oona was more deserving for her good work sitting up and giving big smiles to the crowd. She's a brave 7 and half month old! She did not cry or fuss once and promptly fell asleep when the parade was over.

Grandma and Grandpa stayed until this morning and we managed to pack lots of fun into one short week visiting Ausable Chasm in NY and our state capitol, Montpelier and the Quechee Fleamarket, celebrating my mom's birthday with a delicious chocolate torte and having lots of mini adventures in between. It was nice to have the extra hands and to see my parents, but Mommy, Daddy, and Oona are totally pooped and plan on some recovery time from all the fun... by which I mean, not leaving the house for a good solid week, perhaps, and maybe getting back to work now that our semi-vacation is over. Hope everyone had a great Independence Day and are enjoying these summer months!