Karen's Visit

On Monday a friend of ours came up to visit who we haven't had the opportunity to see in many years because she lives in Kentucky. In fact, though I knew her in person first through a mutual friend, we've really come to know each other better through the blogging world. You can read Karen's blog here where she talks about living the simple life, being vegan, knitting, yoga, Montessori school teaching, love and many other things. She reminds me to live better by living simpler and to not forget about our dear Mama Earth who needs us all to care a little more about all she does for us.

We had a wonderful visit listening to music on the porch, taking in some nature ( at a favorite spot, Texas Falls) and visiting Burlington.

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera in the car while we were exploring downtown Burlington, but I did remember it at the end of the evening when we sat down for some delicious Indian food.

I also had to show off these delicious jams Karen brought us from my old home state of CT. There was also a rather delicious bar of chocolate in the basket, but it got eaten too fast to take a picture.

And while we were shopping downtown Burlington, I found some awesome fabrics at a cute independent fabric/ yarn store called Nido. My selection must have been inspired by thoughts of Indian food dancing in my head.

Thanks for visiting us in the wild woods, Karen! It's nice to share time with "kindred spirits" as Anne of Green Gables would say.