Dance by the Light of the Moon

Happy Summer Solstice! I hope everyone celebrated the new season yesterday by being outside and enjoying the warm air. We had quite a full day, and quite a full weekend for that matter. My sister is up visiting from CT and we've been all over town and upside down. Last night we had a little bonfire over at some camp sites near us and danced around and played drums and maracas and skipped a bit (well, at least I did). All a lot of fun, except who invited the mosquitoes?! I'm hoping to do some actual camping with Mr. Jake soon.
Our little wild baby is now growing full steam ahead. All of it's parts are developed,I believe, and it can hear what we say now, it just needs to get up to size to take that trip down the birth canal. I'm waiting patiently for the first kick. Sometimes I feel little pinches and I wonder if that might be one, but I'm not sure yet.
I'm feeling much better in spirit than last time I wrote. I definitely have been more motivated to do the things I need to do. I think the cure-all was a day out of the house with Jake last week to Burlington where we explored little shops and looked for little things for the baby and I got some supplies for my crafts. A change of scenery is sometimes all I need to get me out of a funk. I'm trying to initiate a few new projects for myself, so I let you know if those develop.
Happy summer! I'm off to spend my morning digging around in the garden, hunting down mischievous weeds!
Sounds like you have been having lots of fun!