Big News from the Wildwood

Good morning! I've been hiding a "little" secret from you guys/gals. Actually, it's a big secret for us in a small package. We're having a little Wildwood! Baby Wildwood is due November 23rd and is right now about the size of a lemon. Check out "How Big is Baby" to see what size fruit or veggie a baby is at different stages of the pregnancy. It's due two days before Thanksgiving give or take a couple weeks. We are still spinning with joy, but I'm also spinning with nausea. No one ever told me morning sickness could last all day! I'm hoping it starts to fade soon as I'm already at 14 weeks, and it's getting a bit old.
Jake has been a super star of support and we both can hardly wait until the big day, though there is still a long road to go and a lot to prepare. It seems I've started with the essentials... some good booties and a funky kitty for the baby room. The kitty was a little souvenir from The International Folk Art Museum in New Mexico and the booties were made by a woman at our local farmer's market. I've been eyeing those booties for sometime with no real cause to buy a pair until now. I just love the colors! The green booties were also a little souvenir from New Mexico.

I suppose we have to get practical now and start buying some of the real essentials. I'm very excited to make some little handmade items of my own for Baby Wildwood. One big project is to make wool soakers for the baby as we plan on using cloth diapers. I've already found a free pattern online, I just have to begin. Anyone who knows of any great blogs for baby crafts or mothering, please let me know.
I'll check back in soon! Sorry I've been absent again (I don't think the Sunday thing will work out... just expect to see me once a week or twice if I can manage it). Hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day weekend with family and friends!