Mother Goose and the Traveling Circus

Happy Halloween! Sorry to disappear for a while. I haven't had much time for the internet of late. Last week Jake's Dad came for a visit, and we saw this curiosity pictured above at the Shelburne Museum. It's part of a circus display of a hand carved and painted circus parade that wraps around a very long building and took twenty-five years to complete. It's amazing the things people decide to do with their time. You can see more of our Shelburne pictures over at Owlfoot.
We've also been doing exciting things like getting our Vermont drivers licenses and going to see a spaghetti western orchestra this past Tuesday.
Hopefully there will be some pumpkin carving going on this afternoon or I don't think we can really call it Halloween. I don't even have a costume this year... it's a pretty sad state of affairs. Hope everyone has some spooky plans for this evening. I'm going to go help Jake with a store display like I should be doing.