It's the season of making, gift giving, and celebrations. So often I make driven by some purpose... a craft fair, a birthday, a holiday, or a festival and I don't allow myself to make just because (or don't have time to!)... My kids make just because all the time, and I sometimes envy that freedom. Last week we were lucky to have some extra days off from preschool. Though many were spent sick, Oona and I did some crafting together just because. She asked me to make a little needle felted doll for her, and by the end of it all she had learned to needle felt too! I was very nervous to let her use the sharp needle, but she was very eager to learn, and was very careful with it. Mama made most of the little doll for her, but she helped with the face and crown, which were added later. She also started making little felt balls, which we decided would be used for a garland for her birthday. So I guess even when you are making something "just because" it can find a purpose, too! Elsa, of course needed a little doll too.
Joining in with KCCO over at Frontier Dreams .
Especially loved to see those little hands carefully handling the wool.
So beautiful you let her try too,
wishing you a wonderful weekend,
warm greetings from Holland,
xxx Sas