Like bees to honey, my girls... gingerbread cake with chocolate chips, orange flavored cream cheese frosting and chocolate shavings... completely decadent and probably the best birthday cake I ever had! Homemade by Dada and Elsa (sorta)... I'm definitely in a sugar induced haze right now. |
Somehow a zoo grew on my cake... and seven candles... I never knew I was so young, but seven is a lucky number, I hear. |
I wish I remembered what I wished for... |
Another trip around the sun for me, and I only seem to know how much time has really passed by how big my girls have gotten. Do you see that baby in my lap?... well, I hate to say it, but she's not really a baby anymore! She won't even wear a bib! But they both still let me rock them and smother them with kisses, so I guess that's something! Sometimes I like to set goals on my birthday for the coming year, but this year I think I'm okay with not ticking things off another list or feeling ashamed when I realize I haven't done anything on it. I'm embracing the odd pace of life with two little-kins. I think as long as I find time to create and laugh and be with my family, there's nothing more I really need accomplish right now. I had a very lovely birthday today just spending time with my family... eating far too many good things, needle felting, and watching a silly fairy tale movie with the girls. Here's to another year of growing!
P.S. Yes, I'm wearing my birthday shirt!