We've had a nice bit of relaxation in our own backyard to start off June. My mother-in-law rented a
house on Lake Dunmore about twenty or so odd minutes from our home, and so for the last few weeks we've been spending our weekends there playing and relaxing by the serene lake. There have been lots of chocolate chip pancakes, blueberries, canoe rides and even a bit of swimming in the cold VT water (which I think I'm finally acclimatizing to, as I mostly didn't notice...
mostly). My little mermaids didn't give one thought to the temperature and jumped right in every time. It was certainly a peaceful break from the daily grind, but unfortunately we've now all come down with some nasty colds upon our return to the daily routine. Here's a visual tour of our little get away, and this time with some captions!
I do so love being serenaded. I count my lucky stars everyday I married a music man. |
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| This porch had a beautiful view overlooking the water... many hours
were spent rocking, crocheting and knitting, making music, and just
being goofy. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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I even finished a couple dish clothes, and made a cute
little granny stripe cell phone case (for the cell phone that mostly
doesn't work where we live) out of yarn scraps from Elsa's baby blanket.
We made delicious, creamy homemade vanilla ice cream topped with cherries and chocolate chips. I'm hooked! I predict a lot more ice cream making in the cards this summer!... ginger... peach... mint... the possibilities are endless. |
Oona polished off every last bite in true kid fashion, and even Elsa got her first taste of the devilishly good substance. |
And some downtime with busy Daddy is always a dose of happiness for all. |
Water is magic. |
Pancakes are magic too. |
We need to find a house someday with an old fireplace. Much better to gather around than a tv set or computer screen. |
So now it's time to get our little family well again. I think besides a possible trip to visit family mid-summer a staycation is in order for us now... finding summer fun where we are and enjoying all the free local treasures that rural VT provides us. Maybe someday I'll create a tour of the lovely spots in our area. It really is a lovely place to be in the summer when there's plenty of sunshine and none of that fluffy white stuff.