Butterflies in Winter

It's been snowy here the last few days, and I've been busying myself making these butterflies for the shop . Goodness only knows what's got me thinking of butterflies in the depths of winter, but I do think they bring a bit of cheer to this kingdom of white.

They are each filled with lavender and flax seed and are intended to be used as aromatherapy eye pillows that can be heated or chilled. I should have them finished and in my Etsy shop by the beginning of next week.
Other than that we've just been watching the snow fall, winding the clocks, eating apple cinnamon muffins, and watching Star Trek Voyager on Netflixs. Good stuff!

I'm hoping to escape the house this weekend with my mommy friend Kate for a coffee break. Daddies will get the girls for an hour or so. Sounds good to me! Maybe Oona and I will have some playtime in the snow too! What's on your "fun list" this weekend?