While She's Sleeping...

I just finished this new pattern design for my eye pillows. I'll be making more soon, but this one is in the shop.

Also, I've been learning to do more crochet. I think I'd like to make some smaller circles like this for Christmas ornaments next year or perhaps as coasters. I'm getting the hang of reading patterns. That's always been a challenge for me. I do so much better when someone shows me. Sometimes when it gets written down it becomes like a math equation and I have trouble comprehending, but I think I'm starting to overcome this and have a better grasp of the crochet language.

And here something I made for the little bunny, my very first crocheted hat! She looks way too cute in it. I might have to make one in brown too. I was thinking of using applique floral fabric on the inside part of the ears, but it's kind of fun how it is. We'll see. It is the year of the rabbit after all!