3 Months!
My silly babe is 3 months old today... a quarter of a year! How crazy is that?! She is truly a joy and a handful. I'm learning better what times I can squeeze in a little bit of work, but it's never quite predictable. The house is in a constant state of chaos. I've somewhat given up on having any sense of order and control in my life at the moment. I'm on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride! Yesterday morning we took Oona to a parent/baby group, and I think it was good for all of us. Oona really enjoyed seeing the other babes of all ages, until she got tired and a little grumpy. Ah well.

The kitchen table has become a battlefield and playground. Random toys, baby blankets, laundry I don't have time to fold, bills and junk mail and misc. crafts I don't have time to work on have all congregated there waiting impatiently for me to deal with them. Who cares about eating! Yikes! One of these days I'm going to have to move like a tornado through the whole house swallowing up loose booties and random whatnots in a single gulp.

But nevermind the mess, there is a lot of growing going on... for little Oona and for our little family. Each day she changes so much! Each day we learn a little bit more how to be her parents! She's teaching us well. Here are some of the highlights from the first 3 months:
-more and more smiles as she's grown
-she can lift her head for prolonged time while lying on her belly
-she has lots of baby babble to share with us
-she is starting to be able to grab items with more purpose
-she has laughed for us twice now! we're not quite sure how to get more out of her, but it was wonderful when she did
- she has rolled over every now and then
-she can go through more diapers in a day than I ever thought possible... so glad we went with cloth!
-I tell her "I love you" even more often then she goes through diapers

The kitchen table has become a battlefield and playground. Random toys, baby blankets, laundry I don't have time to fold, bills and junk mail and misc. crafts I don't have time to work on have all congregated there waiting impatiently for me to deal with them. Who cares about eating! Yikes! One of these days I'm going to have to move like a tornado through the whole house swallowing up loose booties and random whatnots in a single gulp.

But nevermind the mess, there is a lot of growing going on... for little Oona and for our little family. Each day she changes so much! Each day we learn a little bit more how to be her parents! She's teaching us well. Here are some of the highlights from the first 3 months:
-more and more smiles as she's grown
-she can lift her head for prolonged time while lying on her belly
-she has lots of baby babble to share with us
-she is starting to be able to grab items with more purpose
-she has laughed for us twice now! we're not quite sure how to get more out of her, but it was wonderful when she did
- she has rolled over every now and then
-she can go through more diapers in a day than I ever thought possible... so glad we went with cloth!
-I tell her "I love you" even more often then she goes through diapers