Sewing the Clouds

Another year has gone and went! I'm 28 years old today! Happy Birthday to me!
Here's my resolutions for the next year (in no particular order):
1)Become a great mommy!
2)Paint more!
3)Sew more!
4)Waste less and be good to Our Dear Mother Earth!
5)Figure out how to balance business and creative passions...
6)Keep things simple!
7)Walk everyday!
8)Practice yoga and meditation regularly!
9)Make the things that make me happiest a PRIORITY!
10)Worry less and stop freaking out about the little things!
Sorry for all the exclamation marks, but I feel like I'm not quite doing a lot of these things now and I need to get my own attention. I should really list 28 things, but 10 will have to do! Happy weekending!
P.S. I'm still working on that shop update, but it will have to wait until sometime in the middle of next week.