Stripes and Bells

Hello good folks! These stripey eye pillows were sewn up today and our now in the shop. They have the same backing fabric as the buckwheat hull pillow I showed you recently which is thick and has an oh-so-lovely texture. And, as you can see, I managed to use some of those new fabrics I showed you the other day.
Terrapin is sleeping on my ironing board...tsk, tsk. The river is rushing by outside, not even caring that I'm just sitting here unable to keep up for a second. But soon there will be coffee, Mr.Jake has foretold, and the shop will be closed, and perhaps we'll take a quick walk outside.

And there is also this lovely farm house I wanted to share with you. This will very likely be the location for our wedding this Autumn. (No, we're not already married, but it's about time isn't it? Haha.) I think it's just the old-timey middle of nowhere kind of location we were looking for and there's even llamas and ponies next door. So we are both very excited to finally be able to start planning this shindig, as it's been on hold since we moved. Get ready for lots of wedding crafts!
i'm so excited that you're going to start planning the wedding! so happy for you two!
it is nearly shocking that you aren't already married, but you really have been one - in spirit! - for what feels like a lifetime! ..and what a lovely locale you've chosen!