She Sells Seashells

I finally, after months of staring at them longingly, opened my casein paints to give them a whirl. There's something a little terrifying for me about trying a new material. Will I like it better than my old stand by? Will I become a traitor to what I know? Will I be awful at it? Oh, but it's so fun too... a little bit like solving a mystery. They are what I expected and not what I expected. I did some doodling on these seashells from my Rhode Island days. I have a huge stockpile of seashells, telling myself one day I'd find a use for them. And voila! Well, I like this casein stuff, though it doesn't smell quite as lovely as gouache. The colors are more vibrant... perhaps too vibrant, but maybe I just need to learn to mix them better. I'm looking forward to trying them out on wood.
Ah, and speaking of mysteries, Jake and I are addicted to watching the Poirot Mysteries on YouTube that used to air on the BBC. I never use to like detective stories until we started watching and reading Sherlock Holmes. And now I'm walking around the house solving butter and toast crumb crimes.
Warning! If you start watching, you will get hooked! (There are more episodes on the persons YouTube channel)
We picked up "One Step Beyond" at the library sale....a collection of old shows.It's like the twilight zone, and I don't mean Coventry. Anyway, you can see them on youtube. Great little stories and all true!:)
Hope to talk to you soon!!! how is your eye??