Friday Favorites

Chapter Book for Kids: "Orphan Island" (we are half way through this one right now, but it's great so far)
Show: "Escape to the Country" on Netflix (real estate hunting in the UK... love the historical bits of the show as well as getting to have a peek inside country cottages)
Cake Recipe: Scandinavian Almond Cake
Project I Need to Try: Creative Mending Patches
Gardening Book: "Great Garden Companions" by Sally Jean Cunningham. I took this out of the library recently and am enjoying all the tips.  

 (Featuring five favorites every Friday. If you'd like to do the same, I'd love a shout out on your blog
and feel free to leave a link in the comments! Enjoy your weekend!)


Jenna said…
The almond cake looks delicious! I will have to try the recipe

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