Happy Belated Mother's Day
Handmade cards, hugs and kisses, chocolate chip pancakes with strawberry sauce, a pretty pansy from school, wild flowers and fiddle heads, art class pottery of a little nest and egg, and two pennies from my youngest "to buy something"... yes, I would say I am one lucky Mama. Oh, I also got some pretty treasures for my ears, but I would have been happy with just the above list. I will take these days where my children are still young enough to adore me. I'm a little late, but Happy Mother's Day to all the great mom's out there (including my mom, my mother-in-law, our grandmas, my sister and sister-in-law and friends and family who are rockn' it). This mother's day reminded me of how important my job is to model for my children the qualities that our most important to me... to be loving and kind, to care for and help others, to listen and be respectful... it's not always easy (especially when they're poking you while you try to sneak and do a blog post), but something I need to remind myself everyday.
If you're not a mom, are not a fan of Mother's Day, or just had a sucky one this year....please make yourself some of these coconut snowballs and dip them in melted chocolate. Or even if you had a nice Mother's Day, go ahead and make these anyways. If you're anyone at all who likes coconut and honey, make these! I started making these last year for family, and I couldn't help but make them again this year.