Painting by Oona, age 6 |
Legos heads with flower hats by Oona too! |
It's Springtime in VT and the woolly chickens are laying felted cookies, the mud is the stuff of legends, and the snow just doesn't know when to quit. We are in a for a week full of rain to melt it all away and then some more snow. I know I should just expect this by now, but I want to see tulips and daffodils sprouting up! I want to dig in the Earth. I want to put away the coats and snow pants and have a little more space in the front hallway! On the bright side... Is there one? It
is pretty gloomy out. Um... right, on the bright side, time indoors means more time to craft. It also means going through the cupboards and closets and doing a bit of Spring cleaning. I tackled the lid/ food storage container cupboard the other day. There was a bit of an explosion in there, and we seemed to have somehow acquired far more lids than there were containers to go with them. Sometimes I think we live by the philosophy, if you can get the door closed, close it and run... which is really never a good plan because what lies behind that door will still be waiting for you next time, but it's hard to find enough hours in the day to live any other way. As, fun as Spring cleaning in the rain can be, I think I need to get the kids out of the house this afternoon and hit the local library... maybe some real cookie baking too.