Raspberry girls |
Picking red currants. |
Kids garden looking like a miniature jungle. |
Amaranth , gourd, carrot, snap peas... the kids garden is a crazy mix this year! |
Day Lily |
Morning glories, nasturtiums, and edamame all growing around "The Fairy Thrown". |
Onions, lettuce and beets |
Red cabbage |
A friend |
Tomato Patch.... with a rogue squash. |
Purple basil |
Pumpkin patch |
Raspberries! |
My raspberry pickers. The garlic is about ready to harvest. |
Old boards put down for paths in our mandala garden. |
Know thy enemy! |
Red currants |
The roses have been making a splendid show. |
A space to relax. We're growing nasturtiums, morning glories and moon flowers on the edges to climb it. |
Comfrey leaves drying for homemade Comfrey Tea plant fertilizer. |
Hollyhocks in bloom. |
I'm hoping that this Holly hock and sunflower beside it reach the porch roof this year. |
Radishes flowering. |
A view of our wild kingdom. |
Little Digger... not the onions, please! |
Dutchmen's Pipe shading the sandbox. |
Kale seed pods. Kale is amazing! I can't believe how many seeds one plant produces. |
My first year growing beets. |
The nasturtiums are in bloom. |
Mint, catnip, sage, oregano and Vietnamese coriander for drying. |
Another berry patch to feast from! |
Black Raspberries |
Radish Seed Pods and flowers |
Border flower patch |

The berries are coming in (or rather, coming into my
little ones' mouths), summer flowers are beginning to bloom and herbs
are being gathered. The garden feels like one big science experiment
this year, trying out new companion planting combinations and new
varieties of plants and letting some things go to seed for next years
planting. We have an over abundance of lettuce, and I will have to pull some of it soon to make room for the next round, but I do hate pulling anything before it's run it's course. I do have a section of lettuce I will leave to go to seed. It's so wonderful to see new flowers opening everyday. Sometimes I think I could do away with all the veggies and just do flowers, but that wouldn't be very practical, and I do love all the feasts the vegetable garden brings to the table. I need to harvest my beets to make some beet dye. A new round of snap peas and beans and carrots have just gone in the ground. I'm also trying to grow cumin and rosemary from seed.... I have no idea if they will grow at this late date, but I've had the seeds kicking around for a while and just figured, what the hay! I'm thankful for some rain last night so I won't need to water everything this morning. I don't think I ever appreciated rain as much as I do since I started gardening. What are you appreciating in the garden right now?
Here's my previous garden posts from this year:
And here's post from previous year: