Lost and Found
My how the time does fly! I've had lots to post about, but not much time in between. I feel there are so many things to do before our little bean arrives. Jake is upstairs right now being an awesome Dad and painting the baby room in this unjustly hot weather. I have about 20 million baby projects in my head that I've convinced myself I need to do before baby arrives or they'll never get done. We'll see! But recently I did have cause to take my head temporarily out of baby land and craft something for a friend's wedding coming up this week. Take a look!

Also, here is a beautiful little red cap mushroom from our morning walks in the woods. I have to also share with you at some point some of the beautiful blackberries we've been collecting in the same area.

My brain is in rambles but here are some of the highlights of life as of late:
- a wonderful trip to Burlington with my dear one to little shops and Indian food and an awesome fabric store and sitting by Lake Champlain in the evening
-lots of restocking of fabric for these billion projects I have in my head
-berry picking! yum!
- too many good treats... blackberry milkshake, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, danishes... I think that "craving" thing I've heard so much about has finally kicked in and gotten the better of my sweet tooth.

And here's what I'm looking forward to for September:
-A wedding tomorrow and a quick trip back to CT where we will celebrate Jake's b-day
-My parents up for a visit the following week
-Harvest Fair in town!
-Rutland fair with my family
-A trip to the Adirondacks for our one year anniversary!
-Jake's performance at the local concert hall
-Oh... and birthing classes start tonight!
It's a full month, but I'll try to pop in again when I can.

Also, here is a beautiful little red cap mushroom from our morning walks in the woods. I have to also share with you at some point some of the beautiful blackberries we've been collecting in the same area.

My brain is in rambles but here are some of the highlights of life as of late:
- a wonderful trip to Burlington with my dear one to little shops and Indian food and an awesome fabric store and sitting by Lake Champlain in the evening
-lots of restocking of fabric for these billion projects I have in my head
-berry picking! yum!
- too many good treats... blackberry milkshake, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, danishes... I think that "craving" thing I've heard so much about has finally kicked in and gotten the better of my sweet tooth.

And here's what I'm looking forward to for September:
-A wedding tomorrow and a quick trip back to CT where we will celebrate Jake's b-day
-My parents up for a visit the following week
-Harvest Fair in town!
-Rutland fair with my family
-A trip to the Adirondacks for our one year anniversary!
-Jake's performance at the local concert hall
-Oh... and birthing classes start tonight!
It's a full month, but I'll try to pop in again when I can.