Quiet Time

Here's our little baboo at 21 weeks. We're in love! So sweet! We got our first glimpse Tuesday morning. It was so fun to spy, and we decided to cheat and peek at the sex, but it was a bit inconclusive. That's what we get for being inpatient! They think it might be a girl, but wouldn't give us a positive yes on that. Baby was being discreet. Or maybe it just likes to keep us guessing.
It's been a busy couple of weeks here. We did some traveling for the fourth of July weekend and then had some visitors up here for a week, which was nice, but now I'm enjoying some down time. I'm a bit of sleepy head these days... which accounts for some of my lack of posting. I think the babies been growing a lot lately, and it's taking the wind out of me.
But I'm trying to get myself going with little projects here and there. I'm going to be spending some extra time in the shop in the coming weeks to give Jake a chance to get caught up on instrument projects so I'll be sharing some photos soon of things I'm doing to give the store a fresh look. Right now, mama and baby need a snack!
Yeah, it's a little frustrating, but it was still nice to get to see the baby. I think even if they sounded confident it was a girl, I'd be a little worried because maybe somethings just hiding, haha. I'm still going to throw caution to the wind and pick up a few girly things (but mostly stay neutral for now).