"If I were a..."

I love this meme shared by Cider and Faun who found it through other lovely friends. Check out her post because there are lots of lovely pictures too. I have no brain today so this is the best I can do...

if i was a month i'd be november
if i was a day of the week i'd be tuesday
if i was a time of day i'd be morning
if i was a sea animal i'd be a seal

if i was a direction i'd be east
if i was a piece of furniture i'd be a soft couch
if i was a liquid i'd be a river
if i was a gemstone i'd be a peridot

if i was a tree i'd be a cherry tree

if i was a tool i'd be a pencil
if i was a flower i'd be a forget me not
if i was a kind of weather i'd be snow

if i was a musical instrument i'd be a ukulele
if i was a color i'd be green
if i was an emotion i'd be love
if i was a fruit i'd be a nectarine

if i was a food i'd be a bagel
if i was a material i'd be linen
if i was a scent i'd be citrus
if i was a flavor i'd be ice cream

if i was a sound i'd be a cat purring
if i was an element i'd be wind
if i was a mammal i'd be a hedgehog
if i was a phase of the moon i would be crescent

if i was a berry i'd be strawberry
if i was a bird i'd be a chickadee
if i was a book i'd be Watership Down
if i was a place i'd be the woodlands

It's snowing in VT... of course it melts as it hits the ground but how strange to see the dandelions and the snow at the same time!


Unknown said…
hello fellow november....

the lists never get tiring, so lovely...
Anonymous said…
we hope you like our project: a residence for illustrators and crafters in Spain

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