Green Green Grass of Home

Hello! I missed my Sunday post again last week because we were traveling. Above are some of the pictures I meant to share before when blogger was not cooperating. We went home to see family for Easter in CT. It was wonderful weather and a wonderful weekend with Easter egg dying and plenty of bad treats and flea marketing. I wish we could have stayed longer and seen more of our friends and family, but it was still nice.

The grass here has turned it's lovely lush green... I always get excited this time of year even though it's bound to happen. Soon I'll be able to move my garden from indoors to outdoors. Hurrah! What happy little plants they will be!

Jake and I have been daydreaming this morning about building a straw-bale house. The cost of buying a house, even in this depressed market, is not realistic for us anytime soon. In fact, it will probably take us many many years to be able to afford one. But perhaps, maybe building will be a possibility at some point. I do love old houses, but it could be cool if we were able to give it an old feel at the same time as making it more efficient and environmentally friendly. And I'm sure it would definitely give us a sense of accomplishment to take on such a challenge and to have a house that was uniquely our own. It's just something for us to think about.

Until next week!


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