Sunday Blogger

Hello! I'm just popping in to say I'm back... well, not entirely. I'm still limited by my eye problems, but I miss posting so I'm making a compromise with myself. I'm going to be posting once a week, every Sunday unless otherwise noted. So if you're interested in seeing my new projects and goings on please stop by again.
It's been such a long time, I can't even think of all that's happened... but the most important thing to note is that Jake and I got married last September in a wonderful hurrah thrown with the help of family and dear friends. And we finally changed our name to "Wildwood", a name that we've used for ages, but it was never "official". Hmm... other than that, there's been music and craft making and arting and snow and many things I should post pictures of, but in due time.
Hopefully there will be some more show and tell next week. I'm just getting my toes wet again!