Hello! Hello! It's been a busy week moving furniture, but we've finally managed to get our studio floor painted. What do you think? I wish I remembered to take a before photo, but it sort of had the grunge look for a while... layers of chipped paint and ancient dirt that refused to be removed. But I love this soft blue color... it's called "quiet sea" and ya know, I do think it brings a bit of tranquility to the space. So without further ado, here's a photo tour of the place where we work on all our projects... from sewing to painting to gluing banjo and mandolins, it's really the place where we spend the majority of our time.

Here's my cozy sewing corner. You can also see the all purpose table I use to draw and cut fabric and whatnot and my famous blue stool. You can also get a peek at our new striped rug!

This is my silly inspiration board for photos and postcards and anything small enough to fit on it.

Here's another close up of my cozy corner.

Oh yes, and my good friend the sewing machine deserves a shot.

And I also managed to get the closet painted this rosy pink color. Before it was many shades of "ick"... kind of like the floor. The little sliding cupboard stores my extra fabric.

And right here, though it's hard to see in the sunlight, is the wire bird that Jake made me for my birthday... he's a tufted titmouse. You can also see the lovely view of the river across the street.

A glimpse of my indoor garden...

More plants! More fabric! More beautiful blue floor!

Our dear friend the owl is lurking in the shadows.

Some storage! Ooo!

And of course, Mr. Terrapin, enjoying the sun and the new and improved studio space. I think it really makes a difference to have a work space you're excited to go to everyday. I didn't get a chance to photograph Jake's side of the room, but perhaps that is for another day.
In case we forget to mention it, please bring home a moose. Thank you!
i'm sorry we've been out of it - both sick & head forced into books.. but still coming thurs!