Friday Favorites: Icicles and Cat Training

Five favorites on Friday:

1) Listen: "Luna Lovers" by Las Cafeteras on the album "It's Time" (We found it on Amazon Prime) I love this song and my kids do too.
2) Watch: Train Your Cat (This is great, and is not quite what it seems. I watched this with my cat-loving daughter when she was feeling sick. It came up randomly next to a video about worm farming.)
3) Read: "Pruning and Training" by Christopher Brickell and David Joyce (I came across this in a local book store. It's an amazing resource on how to prune over 800 plants and tells you "when, what and where to prune". The diagrams are super helpful.)
4) Play: Dragonwood: This is a favorite game in the family for my eight year old and Mom and Dad. My five year old is not quite ready to learn how to play.
5) Make: Grow a Sponge Crystal Garden My little one who is now a big girl in kindergarten, was remembering making one of these in


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