Making Holiday Magic

Our wooly potions.

We've been decking our halls this past weekend. At Girl Scouts, we made pine wreath. On Sunday we got our tree, dug out the decorations and have started a little holiday gift making. It's been a strange year for me because usually I have holiday gift ideas planned out well in advance and have already begun making them, but this year I've felt at a loss. After almost ten years of making oh so many holiday gifts, I've been a bit stumped as to what to gift people. Of course, I do buy some of our gifts. It's a tall order with a big family to make everything, but I still feel a bit lost this year. I have some small ideas that I've finally begun working on. I always have fun ideas for kids, but the adults are another story.

But, if you are looking for a gift for a little person, with a grand imagination, I would like to suggest this brilliant idea that is not my own, but a gift my daughter received from a friend. She put together  a beautiful potion box with dropper bottles and potions and a magic peacock feather, crystals, and a pretty spoon and an extra bottle for mixing her own potion. It was a huge hit. I had some smaller potion bottles kicking around that I had thought about turning into necklaces, but sacrificed them so the girls could make some potions for their friends too. Our potions were "soft" potions infused with the power of the super moon, Christmas tree lights and the warmth from our fire. They used scraps of wool roving to fill their bottles and gave them to their classmates. Voila and abracadabra!

So there's a fun idea for you... anyone got any inspired ideas for grown ups?

A magical gift from a friend complete with "Drops of sunshine", "Drops of Flowers" and "Drops of Stars" among other things.

Joining in with KCCO over at Frontier Dreams .


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