Warm Woolies

Hello! Happy belated Chinese New Year/ Martin Luther King Jr. Day/ Imbolc/ Groundhog's Day/ Black History Month and Valentine's Day! Did I miss anything? It's been a while! My apologies for the long absence. I'm finding it difficult to get into much of a blogging rhythm these days. We've had an abundance of snow days and delays this year, and I'm very much immersed in the mom-ing world (as always). Oona lost her first tooth towards the end of January which was quite thrilling for both of us. Both of my little ones have started to do some hand sewing this year, and Oona just finished her first stuffy from a fox kit she got for her birthday from a friend. I've also been doing a lot of stuffy making myself for a Spring market I'm doing in April.

Valentine's Day was nice and quiet. Jake got me a whole bunch of Totoro socks because I had complained that all my socks had holes in them. He also got me some chocolate covered espresso beans to help super power me through winter. I really didn't do much for Valentine's Day this year for anyone. I made some doodle recycle paper Valentines yesterday while Elsa made a few of her own, but that was really it.

I've been a bit of a shut in lately, but I have been getting out for daily walks. That has felt amazing because I really need some time in the sun during these darker days. The kids and I played in the snow yesterday as it was getting dark. We stayed out until it was too hard to see. We need to do this more. It often feels hard to get outside with Oona because of her school schedule. Her school does make an extra effort to get kids outside, but it's nice for me to get to spend time outdoors with her too. I really just need to embrace the setting sun and get out there when we can.

Joining in with KCCO over at Frontier Dreams .


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